Breaking The Silos With Desiree Chappell At The 2019 Interdisciplinary Conference On Orthopedic Value-Based Care
Welcome back to our mini-interview series with 2019 Interdisciplinary Conference on Orthopedic Value-Based Care Faculty. This week we welcome Desirée Chappell, Anchor and Host of TopMedTalk.
Desirée Chappell is one of 38 esteemed speakers joining us at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference on Orthopedic Value-Based Care in Newport Beach, CA, on January 18-20, 2019.
OVBC 2019 Talk #1: “Goal-Directed Therapy”
OVBC 2019 Talk #2: “Enhanced Recovery after Surgery: Implementation Strategies”
View Full Schedule Here: OVBC 2019
American College of Perioperative Medicine (ACPM): Can you share your best advice for motivating your teams?
Chappell: The best advice I have for motivating teams is 4-fold: 1. Educate your team, don’t just expect everyone to follow along because you think you have a great idea. If your colleagues and others you are trying to change don’t understand and don’t buy-in to the project, there is little hope of compliance. Share the evidence in a format that everyone can understand and wants to read. Not everyone wants to read an entire article. Break it down to the most pertinent information and disseminate among the masses. 2. Create excitement around your project. Catchy titles, giveaways, and themed days actually work. 3. Engage the whole team not just the “leaders.” Create a constant feedback loop for the team and all who are involved. Ask for opinions even though you may not need them. Team members want to feel part of a greater movement. If there are only a few decision makers and voices aren’t being listened to, your efforts will die off before they even start. 4. EMPOWER your team. Provide ongoing tools, resources and expertise the team needs to succeed. If they feel ill-prepared to do the job at hand, failure is inevitable.
ACPM: What’s the best thing you’ve read lately?
Chappell: The RELIEF Trial- STOP restricting fluids for the preoperative patient!
ACPM: What are your thought about the future of enhanced recovery models in orthopedics?
Chappell: I believe that Enhanced Recovery will become the standard of care for Orthopedics and hopefully ALL surgical patients. The pathways may look a little different but the basic tenets are the same. 1. Preoperative education and preparation, 2.Pain Control 3. Fluid Stewardship 4. DrEaMing after surgery (Drinking, eating and mobilizing). The naysayers believe that because LOS reduction in negligible in this patient population, developing an ER program is not worth the benefit. LOS is a poor indication of successful recovery. If a patient has a new knee, leaves the hospital within 23 hours but their QOL is reduced and/or their recovery is impaired due to complications, it is NOT a success. ER reduces complications and improves patient satisfaction and outcomes. It’s time to move beyond LOS reduction as the primary motivation for adoption of ER.
About Desirée Chappell, MSRN, CRNA: Chappell is creator and host of the Round Table Blog podcast on She is the team leader of Enhanced Recovery at Norton Audubon Hospital. A frequent speaker and presenter numerous conferences, Desiree’s passion for the beneficial outcomes of ERAS programs, improved perioperative management and leadership of these areas has been widely shared.
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